Thursday, April 19, 2012

Heartbreak Facebook status

Heartbreak Facebook status
  • "A million words would not bring You back, I know because I've tried. Neither would a million tears, I know because I've cried." I miss you :(
  • 3 strikes you're out. Good game buddy, good game.
  • I wish you could see that my heart isn't made of steel and has no armor. Then just maybe you'd stop launching bullets of torment into my chest! x(
  • I don't wanna go to bed, because I know that when I do, you'll be there in my dreams and my heart will break even more.
  • I miss your laugh, your smile, but most of all, I miss the way you said 'I Love You' !

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happiness facebook status

Happiness facebook status

  • When you dream, you better dream big; when you think, you better think big; and when you love, you better love truthfully.
  • Life is about ignoring the drama, laughing with friends, loving your family, and being happy with what you have. <3
  • Above all else. Don't forget to smile. It either warms there hearts or pisses them off. You win no matter what.
  • Is simply happy, nothing more, nothing less... Just happy
  • I may be confused about a lot of things but I know that at this moment in time I'm the happiest I've been in a long time x

2 faced people facebook status

Two faced people facebook status updates

  • I despise 2 faced, lying, manipulative, bitches that only want to run their mouths on Facebook and NOT do it to my face!
  • It's funny how one day you're talking shit about someone and the next day you're all up that person's ass...if u ask me that's a fake a$$ b*tch!!!
  • You're 2-faced...but don't bother to ask who is the person in question, You know who u are and u continue to prove it over and over. I was right all along!
  • Some people have told so many lies and in their own minds they have actually started to believe it as the truth.
  • If someone has the guts to talk about me behind my back, they should be manly enough to say it to my face.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Annoyed Facebook status

Annoyed Facebook status

1. hates having bad days, when every little thing seems to piss you off and nothing ever goes right!!

2. I'm going to pretend i didn't hear you, close my eyes, and count to 10..I suggest you either rephrase ur attitude or run like hell.!! Your choice...

3. doesn't understand people sometimes. Their mouth says one thing but their actions say another

4. Lord give me patience because if you give me strength I may beat someone to death.

5. I started off in a great mood today. Then, people started coming along and pissing me off.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

2012 end of the world Facebook status

2012 end of the world

  • The world will NOT end in 2012, you guys! My phone calendar goes up to 2019! We're gonna be alright!
  • END OF THE WORLD which was scheduled for 2012 has been postponed to 3012 due to some technical problem! Please co-operate & continue living with spirit! :)
  • 514 leap years since created in 45 BC. Without day today would be July 14, 2013. Mayans didn't account for leap year. World ended 7 months ago. My mind is blown
  • Those crazy Mayans had a sense of humor, let's make a calendar that ends, see how many people panic. !
  • Once I have my own kids, I'm going to make them watch the movie 2012 and tell them that I survived it.

Karma facebook status

Karma facebook status updates
  • Isn't it fantastic when you get to witness karma coming and biting the ass of the people deserving? A thing of absolute beauty.
  • "you may think I'm stupid or blind to what's going on but the truth is i know & I'm saving that all up for the day karma comes calling me asking for names.."
  • some people need to remember that you get back what you give out of life..and that sometimes its family that will sell you out the fastest..karma is a bitch!!
  • Treat others the way you wanna be treated , karma's only a bitch if you are.
  • I'll just leave it up to Karma. he's a bigger bitch than I choose to be.