Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happiness facebook status

Happiness facebook status

  • When you dream, you better dream big; when you think, you better think big; and when you love, you better love truthfully.
  • Life is about ignoring the drama, laughing with friends, loving your family, and being happy with what you have. <3
  • Above all else. Don't forget to smile. It either warms there hearts or pisses them off. You win no matter what.
  • Is simply happy, nothing more, nothing less... Just happy
  • I may be confused about a lot of things but I know that at this moment in time I'm the happiest I've been in a long time x
  • is grateful for all of my blessings
  • Stop spending time with the wrong people. – Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you
  • The past was never a mistake if you learned from it :)
  • We all have the power to shape our day and our life, so not matter what is happening in our lives we can make the decision to be happy and enjoy every moment...
  • Time will come when you will realize that the happiest moments of your life are the times when you use your heart rather than your mind.