Funny statuses about age
1. Every time i party like I'm 20 my body reminds me I'm not!
2. A beautiful message about growing old: Well crap, now I forgot what it was.
3. I thought you said this was an oldies station? This song was a hit when I was...Oh no. Noo noooo. Nope. No SIR. Noooope. Nope. Nuh-uh.
4. I remember the fading ˝dot˝ when you turned off the television.
5. Am I the only one that when somebody says ˝10 years Ago˝ thinks about 90s instead of 2002 !
6. With age comes skills. It's called 'Multi Tasking'.. I can: Laugh, Cough, Sneeze, Fart & Pee all at the same time.