Angry Facebook status
1. BEWARE I have seen EVERY CSI ,Murder he Wrote and Criminal Minds episode in EXISTENCE. I could make it look like Alvin the Chipmunk killed you
2. When you actually matter to a person, they'll make time for you. No lies, no excuses. and when u r not on priorities, world is full of excuses
3. Second chances are only meant for those who learned from the first time.
4. I don't understand how a person can say I love you but then turn around and break your heart and act like it was nothing
5. If I showed my emotions by being physical, a lot of people would be dead right now.
6. grow up--shut up-- OR man up!! Those are your options!!!
7. is having one of those days where he feels like lighting someones face on fire and then trying to put it out with a fork
8. is going to get drunk tonight with no thought whats over to the consequences!