Boyfriend Facebook status
1. No one will ever understand why I like you, because they don't know what it's like to be in your arms & be happy... They're just not Me.
2. Your perfect in my eyes. Your perfect in my mind. Your perfect in my life.
3. I love how you hold me when I'm cold, kiss me when I'm sad, and tell me I'm beautiful constantly. I love you. <3
4. A boy gave a girl 10 roses, one is fake. Girl asks "Why is the last one fake?" the boy says "Because i will love you till the last one dies."
5. Everytime u log on or text me, i smile. You light my day & when i see you I cant help but smile. u r my everything and i love you so much my 1 & only true love
6. is like so thankful to have this amazing, sweet, compassionate boyfriend - that loves me for me, accepts me the way I am, and well. that is just wonderful!
7. Babe, when I catch you looking at me, my heart skips a beat. All I wanna say is I am crazy for you! Baby, I am absolutely in love with you<3(:
8. Every time you say my name or even talk to me- I can't help but smile, even when you irritate the crap out of me! I love you <3 :)
9. when i see you or think of you all i can do is smile, because in my heart i know your the one
10. We don't chase, we replace- Neeeext!!
11. I love you for what you make me feel everyday. The never ending love of someone who will always have my undying heart. You are the one I can't live without!
12. At first when u liked me, i was afraid to like you. and when i liked you, i was afraid to love you. Now that i love you, I'm afraid to lose you!