Thursday, June 21, 2012

Kids facebook status

Kids facebook status updates
  • u know ur a parent when ur living room floor looks like a toy store.
  • I may not be perfect. I've made mistakes in life. But, looking in my daughter's bright eyes, I know I did one thing I'll never regret. I'LL PROTECT his-ALWAYS.
  • Children for sale...please note that ears are for decorative purposes only.
  • To be in your child's memories tomorrow, be in his life today.
  • make-up, messy hair, still in your pajamas and you're tired, then an "I love you Mama, you're so pretty" and your day is instantly better. I <3 my babies.
  • Missing you is easy. It's waiting to see you again that's hard.
  • If your kids aren't driving you crazy, you're not spending enough time with them!
  • We never know for sure how long we will have our children. Make sure they always know they are loved and cherished. Children are so precious. Just love them.
  • When my kids are grown I want them to have all the things I could never give them. Then I want to move in with them :)
  • Why is it that when your kids are around you wish you had 5 min of peace but then when they're gone your screaming at yourself "IT'S TOO QUIET?!"