Saturday, September 15, 2012

Top funny facebook status

Top funny facebook status

1. thinks way too many people have been drinking from the Fountain of Stupid.

2. I got 99 chores but I ain't done 1 ~ Lay Z

3. Go away, bad mood. I didn't invite you into my world today.

4. Live, Laugh, Love. If that doesn't work, Raise, Aim and Fire.

5. Two most honest people in this world : drunk people and little kids.

6. asked someone how to spell a word and they say to look in the dictionary, I'm like HOW CAN I FIND THE WORD IN THE FREAKING DICTIONARY IF I CANT EVEN SPELL IT

7. FACT: Heat makes objects expand...So there you have it, I'm not overweight, I'm just overheated!

8. why is it when driving and looking for an address, we turn down the radio? How in the hell does that help? Just wondering.